Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Putin feeds wild horses in Far East Siberian Russia (Rare Footage)

Putin feeds wild horses in Far East Siberian Russia (Rare Footage) Putin feeds wild horses in Far East Siberian Russia - video Together with reserve staff Rafil Bakirova Zharkikh and Tatiana Vladimir Putin issued a few horses from the acclimatization areas in the natural habitat. Later, the president spoke briefly with the staff reserve and answered questions from reporters. * * * Answers to questions of journalists R.Bakirova: So, we have hosted the event: there was a release of Przewalski horses to the territory of the state natural reserve "Orenburg", section "Pre-Ural steppes." Horses came surprisingly quickly and quietly - perhaps it is a success, the success of this first project after delivery. First came a mare named Lavender, she is the most daring and the most curious of all animals; behind her came the other mares, but they looked closely at how behaves stallion. Stallion remained the longest in the paddock. He was very careful, he was afraid of any dangers. But our group to produce behaved just great. I'm glad I'm grateful for that, because there was not a single factor that would cause anxiety horses. Stallion long watched, sniffed, saw oats broken up freely; mare interested in new territory, quietly began to move away, but if the stallion would not come out of the pen, the mare would be returned. But in the end came the stallion. T.Zharkih: This was the first time in the world. This so-called controlled release. Ungulates usually just open the gates, and people go, - the animals can go out at night, they can go through the week. But we had hoped that this momentous event will be covered in the press, so we trained our animals still get out when we need to. And we did it, we are very happy. R.Bakirova: I had a feeling for the behavior of the horses that still they must have recognized you from the first second, because it is absolutely not afraid of the animals came very close. Thanks you. Vladimir Putin: Let us congratulate specialists. You know what that we are not the only project on the conservation and restoration, in any case, once lost items. This is one of such projects. Another project - known, is to restore the population of the Caucasian leopard. And as it is now the Minister said, the animals also released normally inhabit. One of the leopards even got into a fight with a bear. The bear ran away, but ripped off leopard collar. Leopard is alive and well, all right, the project is developing. Leopard showed their fighting qualities. And this, and only said that the project, and the other will be to create and develop. We congratulate professionals. Q: Your function is now in what was - you also beckoned horses? Vladimir Putin: No, Tatiana beckoned them. A colleague and spiked them oats, lured to the output. T.Zharkih: Home, Vladimir Vladimirovich opened for them the way to freedom, opened the gate. Vladimir Putin: A little spiked oats beckon - everything turned out. Very beautiful, wonderful animals, graceful, powerful. And what is the big difference was, I was not expecting between domestic and wild horses. Experts say up to 35 thousand years can be ... T.Zharkih: The common ancestor was not closer than 35 thousand years ago. Visit the horse descended from the wild, they are different species. And today we just keep native wild species that have never been domesticated. Vladimir Putin: This is a unique event: it is not just one of the horses - that's what the world is already almost gone, practically disappeared. R.Bakirova: They do not see the threat from man. Vladimir Putin: They even difference in the number of chromosomes in these - 66, and at home - 64 - different animals. See what beauty. Good luck! ▬ Search "George Dominik Videos" on YouTube for more new uploads: http://goo.gl/7gG5up all playlists: https://goo.gl/GU3fDT tumblr blog = http://ift.tt/1d0luki blogspot = http://ift.tt/1HyCNs0 wordpress = http://ift.tt/1RTNNEL twitter: https://twitter.com/GeorgeDominik1 ▬ ★ SUBSCRIBE = http://goo.gl/GynuUU ★ Thanks For Watching Post comment , share on facebook and g+ and give us feedback God bless you ▬ Follow me on my blogs: http://ift.tt/1SmgzDa https://twitter.com/georgedominik1 http://ift.tt/1QwTNTs http://ift.tt/1SmgxeP http://ift.tt/1QwTQhU http://ift.tt/1Smgxv3 http://www.reddit.com/ http://www.yandex.ru/ https://www.google.com http://vk.com/ http://ift.tt/1QwTQhW http://ift.tt/1SmgzDe http://ift.tt/1QwTQhY Amazing awesome youtube video channel George Dominik.All Interesting and cool stuff all around the World. insane raw footages of badass clips that can help you find all things u never saw before. Check my wall and share channel topic with your friends. Also search my videos from 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - till nowdays and you will see always best content all around the world. Subscribe and God bless you buddies.

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