Saturday, August 22, 2015

Vladimir Putin meets US boxer champion Roy Jones

Vladimir Putin meets US boxer champion Roy Jones - Roy Jones Jr. "Perfect Fighter" Highlights by Kimura Roy Jones JR Legend - Can't Be Touched Roy Jones Jr. - Go Hard Or Go Home

Um dos melhores boxeadores de todos os tempos !!!

One of the best boxers of all time!

Einer der besten Boxer aller Zeiten!

L'un des meilleurs boxeurs de tous les temps!


Vladimir Putin met with the American boxer-professional world champion in four weight categories Roy Jones.

Vladimir Putin: Mr. Jones, I'm glad to see you.

R. Jones (as translated): I am deeply honored to be here.

Vladimir Putin: How did you get here in the Crimea?

R. Jones: I came here to work.

Vladimir Putin: I see. I'm really pleased to meet you. You know that I also love sports, martial arts, boxing I also really like.

You happen in boxing as anybody, probably did not succeed. You have been world champion in the middleweight and middleweight champion and light heavyweight and heavyweight. Perhaps the world of athletes no longer, in any case, in boxing.

R. Jones: No, at least those who went from average to heavy weight.

And when you started judo?

Vladimir Putin: I was 14 years old.

R. Jones: And why? What lured you?

Putin: I do not know. Like the struggle. I started our domestic sport - sambo, and then moved out of Sambo in the judo. Unfortunately, I have such sporting success was not.

R. Jones: I'm talking about how you become a person, when you start to engage in this sport.

Vladimir Putin: That's true, it really helps. In any case, it helps to develop character.

You have many other industries pretty well: You are a singer, musician and actor.

R. Jones: If God has given you some gift, try to use it until the end.

Vladimir Putin: Do you succeed. I hope that you will succeed in business here in our country, in Russia.

R. Jones: Actually, I'm up for it and came. I think that if I had, for example, a Russian passport, I would be much easier to go back and forth. Here, people love sports, so I love this place.

Vladimir Putin: Your name is very well known among sports fans and boxing fans in Russia. And if you are a large part of his life plan associated with operating in Russia, then of course we will be happy and pleased to fulfill your request about obtaining Russian passports, Russian citizenship. I think boxing fans in Russia will be the only welcome.

R. Jones: Certainly.

Vladimir Putin: I wish you success in your activities in Russia.

R. Jones: Spasibo.Nadeyus that the sport will help us build a bridge between the two countries - Russia and the United States.

Vladimir Putin: At different times, we have evolved a different attitude, but when demanded by the supreme interests and America, and Russia, we always found the strength to build relations well.

And if people like you, will create additional conditions for building relationships, not only on the interstate, but also on a human level, it will create the necessary conditions.

R. Jones: And I'm going to deal with this.

Vladimir Putin: Thank you very much.

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